How are the funds raised and allocated?

JCARF serves all BIPOC folks living within (East) Jefferson County and the Indigenous descendants of the original inhabitants of this territory who live nearby, such as Chemakum, S’Klallam, and Makah folks. We accept reparations in the form of personal gifts* from those with wealth and white privilege and distribute those funds directly to the BIPOC community. We also facilitate in-kind contributions like vouchers and gift certificates, and we have a growing CSA program and Herbal Medicine collective. If you are BIPOC and interested in receiving funds or other services from us, please visit the receive page.

*JCARF facilitates reparations payments in the form of personal gifts and direct peer-to-peer fundraising on platforms like Square, GoFundMe, and Venmo. Contributions to our project are not tax deductible.

Why are there no People of Color in your organization?

There are! In fact this project was founded by an Indigenous femme. We operate as a team of unpaid white volunteers working under the guidance of BIPOC leadership. One reason you see mostly white folks at tabling and public events is because interfacing with the public on issues of race and racism is exhausting for BIPOC folks. We get a lot of racist comments, ignorance, and emotionally taxing questions each time we table in Jefferson County. This is why we ask white folks to step up and talk to other white folks about our efforts!

How can I help if I am on a limited budget?

We have met some awesome folks during our community outreach events and have been asked how folks without much money or resources to share can get involved in the project. We have a few ways to plug in without financial contribution:

1. Volunteer

Our volunteers can jump on board with tabling events, data entry, printing, design/art work, outreach, research, writing projects, and networking. Visit our volunteer page to offer skills, ask questions, or get more info on training.

2. Social Media/Spreading the Word

JCARF is a community grassroots effort. The more people we have getting involved in the project, the more real change we can make today. You can help us gain more support by liking and sharing our pages and posts on Facebook and Instagram as well as reaching out to folks who you know that might like to be on our email list, or volunteers. You can also throw a fundraiser (think: yardsale, party, karaoke night etc) to raise money for us!